
Story Time Chess - The Ultimate Game To Teach Children Chess

Created by Thinking Cup Games, LLC

Help your child get ahead with silly, fun stories that teach children 3 and up how to play chess. No chess experience required.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Manufacturing in Progress + Digital Downloads
about 6 years ago – Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 07:27:22 PM

Hi Backers!

We're pleased to let you know that all game materials have been submitted to the manufacturer and manufacturing is under way!  We're so excited to get the game into your hands.  We're hoping to beat our originally posted delivery date of June -- we'll post an updated delivery date as soon as we have one.

We will be sending out digital downloads this week of our stories!

If you purchased any add-on items through BackerKit, we will be charging cards for those this week.  Make sure that you have the correct card information on file. If any issues arise with your payment you’ll receive an email letting your know to correct your payment information.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at [email protected]

Thanks again for your support of Story Time Chess!!

- The Story Time Chess Team

Surveys sent out!
about 6 years ago – Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 04:53:43 PM

All backers should now have received a link by email to a survey through BackerKit so we can get your shipping information and verify the rewards you'll be receiving!

If you can't find your link, you can request that it be resent to you at:

If you have any questions, please reach out to us here on Kickstarter.

Thanks again to everyone for their support in making this project a reality!!

$70,000 Stretch Goal Unlocked
over 6 years ago – Sun, Jun 17, 2018 at 08:59:37 PM

And just like that, another stretch goal! We hit $70,000, which means we've unlocked the map of the kingdom!

Chessopotamia is the kingdom where King Chompy, King Shaky, and all the other characters in Story Time Chess live. With the $70,000 stretch goal unlocked, we can now bring that to life in the storybook.

Let's keep unlocking more goals!

Over $65,000! Last 24 Hours!
over 6 years ago – Sat, Jun 16, 2018 at 10:06:22 PM

Over $65,000!

We hit over $65,000! That means we've unlocked ANOTHER stretch goal:

The digital storybook (which everyone who pledged $15 and up receives) will also have a coloring book in it! Now, you'll be able to color all the characters in Story Time Chess.

Last 24 hours!

This is it! We only have 24 hours left, so if you know anyone that wants Story Time Chess, be sure to tell them about it before the campaign ends.

We are so, so grateful that you have helped us make this dream a reality. Story Time Chess wouldn't exist without you, and you should be proud you've helped create something.

Looking forward to seeing the final goals we unlock, and to getting the games made!

$50K Stretch Goal Unlocked! Digital Rulebook For All Physical Copy Backers
over 6 years ago – Sat, Jun 09, 2018 at 07:21:24 PM

Campaign Update–Over $50K!

We've raised over $50,000! That's incredible! To celebrate, we're unlocking the next Stretch Goal: now, everyone who backs for the physical product will get the digital rulebook as well.

Story Time Chess in the News!

Here's some news updates about Story Time Chess:

Mom Trends: A Top Pick From the NY Baby Show

Tabletop Warriors (45 minutes into the podcast)

Don't Forget–Spread the Word

Remember, you can earn commissions for successful referrals that boost our campaign!

All you have to do is:

  • Head to our Booster page and sign up to Boost our campaign. 
  • Copy your unique referral link.
  • Share the link on your Facebook, Twitter, Blog, Website, or wherever you'd like!
  • Refer to your dashboard to monitor your referrals and commissions!

Please note that this offer is only valid for new referrals you bring to the project and will not be valid against your original pledge.

We appreciate all your help and can't thank you enough for being an early adopter on this project.

Projects to Look Out For

Jump Geo: Twister Meets Geography. They only have a few days left in their campaign, so back it quickly!